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Jim Wieland is thrilled to share his success story, losing 25 pounds!

Before: 202 Pounds                    After: 177 Pounds

The Turning Point... 

At 50 years old, I’ve always been a terrible eater, regularly consuming fast food and never having the energy or will to exercise. I had thoroughly convinced myself that I was still “healthy” if I stayed around the 200 pound mark, but at some point I had to face the fact that this was a lie

My wife started using 310 Shakes last summer in order to trim down and become healthier. I saw her achieving results and I was proud of her, but I never considered at first that I should be making similar changes in my own life. My wife kept insisting that I utilize the same 310 routine that she was having so much success with, and eventually I decided to give it a try.

The Change...

My wife and I joined a gym, and I jumped right into the 310 Shakes program - replacing two meals with shakes per day (breakfast and lunch). Along with the shakes, I also have a banana with breakfast, a protein bar with lunch, a meat and cheese snack in the afternoon and a sensible dinner. I also began taking the 310 Thin every day which helps to control my appetite even more. It wasn’t long before my life started to change completely for the better!

I started going to the gym 3-5 days a week, something that is now a regular part of my life along with the shakes.

Weight Loss Success!

I started my 310 journey weighing in at 202 pounds and only 13 weeks later I reached my goal of 177 pounds, losing 25 pounds!

Since I reached my goal so quickly, I am now maintaining my weight by continuing to use the shakes, something I know will be a long-term solution moving forward. I’ve also witnessed incredible progress at the gym. I’m starting to sculpt my body in the ways I’ve always wanted to, getting rid of the skinny arms, skinny legs and protruding belly that have always bothered me.

To have lost the amount of weight that I have in such a short time and feel as good as I do now is amazing, and such a great testament to how well 310 Shakes combined with a healthy lifestyle actually work.

So don’t wait, people! If somewhere deep down you also know you need to make constructive changes in your life, the time is now. I promise you won’t regret it!

Staying Motivated through Community...

By being a regular in the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook and viewing posts by 310 Nutrition cofounder, Tim Sharif, I learned all about clean eating, which I know has played a huge part in my success. 

I never ate big portions of food in the past, but I didn’t eat the right foods. And now my daily food choices look much different! I’ve cut out sweets and most breads. I also don’t cheat a lot because I realized that I actually enjoy foods now that I normally would have shunned, like having my hamburger with just lettuce! I swear that foods just taste better without the extra junk and carbs. 

I never would have guessed that at 50 years old, I would look and feel this good – while still being excited about food and not feeling deprived in any way!

Ready to Try 310? 

Our 310 New Starter get is just $9 for new customers. We also invite you to join our Facebook Community to learn how thousands of men and women are motivating each other along their weight loss journeys.

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