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Peppermint Tea: Health Benefits, How to Use, and Your Top Questions Answered

There’s nothing quite like a minty and refreshing cup of peppermint tea! Whether you’re enjoying a warm cup in the colder winter months or an iced peppermint tea on a hot day, you’re soaking in the many therapeutic benefits of peppermint for both mind and body. 

In this article, we’ll go over some standout potential benefits of peppermint tea, and how you can start taking advantage of this herbal remedy today. There are few teas as rewarding as sipping on peppermint, so keep reading to learn more!

What is Peppermint Tea?

Tea bag on background of mint and and cup of tea

Peppermint is an herb native to the Mediterranean region that’s been used for thousands of years for both its minty flavoring and medicinal properties. The leaves of this herb contain several beneficial compounds – including menthol, menthone, and limonene. 

These compounds are what give peppermint tea its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties plus its rich history in traditional medicine. While the tea itself has not been studied much, the oil present in the tea leaves has received a fair amount of research attention. 

You make peppermint tea by steeping these dried peppermint leaves in water. The result is not just a refreshing beverage but the many potential health benefits that come along with it.

Potential Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

Bunch of fresh green organic mint leaf on wooden table closeup

1) Calms the Digestive System

The most well-known potential benefit of peppermint tea is that it can help to ease the digestive tract – and relieve you of any discomfort stemming from digestion troubles. Many animal studies reveal that this is likely because peppermint oil relaxes your digestive system by promoting fewer muscle contractions. This helps alleviate any pressure on your gut. 

Studies using peppermint oil have also shown that the oil helps relieve uncomfortable symptoms like gas, bloat, and indigestion. Another study done on cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy found that peppermint oil significantly reduced their nausea and vomiting. This calming gastrointestinal effect also makes it a favorite for many pregnant women for help with morning sickness.

To reap the potential digestive health benefits of peppermint tea, drink it after your meals to assist with proper digestion and ease any discomfort.

2) Reduces Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

Studies reveal that peppermint oil is a safe and effective solution for helping alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. 

This is largely thanks to the compound menthol found in peppermint oil, which helps block calcium channels in the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. This helps reduce some of the abdominal pain often associated with this gastrointestinal disorder. 

3) Relieves Headaches

Peppermint’s ability to help relax muscles and ease pain also comes in handy for alleviating headaches and migraines. While there’s no evidence that peppermint tea can help relieve headaches, research suggests that peppermint oil can. 

In one study on over 100 adult patients with migraines, they found that the intensity of headaches decreased in 40% of the patients using peppermint topically compared to only 4.9% in the placebo group. By inhaling the aromas of a warm cup of peppermint tea you can have the same effects as applying peppermint oil to the skin.

4) Freshens Breath

It’s no surprise that minty peppermint can do wonders for your breath. After all, this herb is a common flavoring in toothpaste, mouthwash, and gum. 

But it’s not just about the minty taste! Peppermint leaf also has antibacterial properties, meaning it can help kill harmful germs that cause dental plaque and gum disease. This helps improve your breath in the process! 

In one study, participants who rinsed their mouth with peppermint, tea tree, and lemon oil experienced less bad breath compared to the control group. Not only that, but peppermint has demonstrated potential antimicrobial properties against other harmful bacteria like E-coli and Salmonella, making this leaf a bacteria-fighting superhero. 

5) Supports Enhanced Energy

The natural compounds present in peppermint leaves may have positive effects on energy levels. According to some studies, fragrances like lavender, lemon, and sandalwood promote calmness and sleep while fragrances like jasmine, rose, and peppermint create more of an awakening effect. 

This means a cup of peppermint tea could help reduce fatigue and daytime sleepiness and help you feel more alert during the day. 

6) Improves Immune Health

Peppermint contains phytochemicals – or powerful plant-based antioxidants – along with other vitamins and minerals that can help strengthen the body’s defenses. It also includes antibacterial and antiviral properties which can help the body fight intrusive bacteria and viruses, while also supporting the immune system and promoting total body wellness. 

The vapers of your peppermint tea can also help fight nasal congestion, supporting your recovery from a common cold or upper respiratory infection. All this together suggests that both the vapors and the liquid of your peppermint tea could help bolster your immune system to prevent and fight certain infections. 

7) Promotes Good Concentration

You may have noticed that peppermint can help you feel more awake and alert. And studies on peppermint oil show that this can have a welcome effect on your mental clarity, memory, and concentration. 

In one study performed on adults, they found that those with a higher dose of peppermint oil greatly improved their performance across three cognitive tasks. Another smaller study found similar results, with 24 participants experiencing reduced mental fatigue and improved cognitive functioning with peppermint oil compared to a placebo.

How to Use Peppermint Tea

 Tea composition with mint leaf on wooden palette

There are different types of peppermint teas available, including loose leaf teas and convenient tea bags. The most important thing is that you find a high-quality tea with premium raw ingredients that will give you a rich, flavorful brew.

To make hot tea using a peppermint tea bag…

Boil your water and add it to a cup with your tea bag. Let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes, depending on how strong you like it. Remove the tea bag and discard or save for another cup.

To make iced peppermint tea…

Follow the instructions for making hot tea above. But after removing the tea bag, pour the contents into a cup or travel mug full of ice!

Why 310 Jasmine Mint Tea?

For an exciting twist on regular peppermint, 310 Jasmine Mint Tea offers enhanced taste and gentle cleansing properties – with a blend of additional beneficial teas and ingredients.

310 Jasmine Mint Tea contains...

  • Refreshing peppermint leaves combined with lightly sweet and uplifting jasmine flowers to support digestion, improved mood, and stress management
  • Powerful Green and oolong teas, which contain antioxidants that support immune and total body health, along with a healthy metabolism
  • Health-boosting rooibos and yerba mate teas, which may help increase fullness and support appetite control
  • Birch, ginger, and guarana that help support good digestion, reduce bloating and promote natural detoxification

    What Pairs Well With Jasmine Mint Tea?

    Wondering what products pair well with 310 Jasmine Mint Tea? Check out some suggestions, below…

    • Peach Tea – In the mood for something more fruity? Switch up your daily tea routine by trying 310 Peach Tea, which also features gently cleansing ingredients with real peach flavor.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules – Apple Cider Vinegar is known to aid digestion, support gut health, and promote full-body cleansing. And these easy-to-take capsules are a much more convenient and safer option than drinking straight apple cider vinegar!    

    Peppermint Tea Frequently Asked Questions:

    Is peppermint tea safe?

    Many clinical trials point to the safety of peppermint oil for both topical use and ingestion. Its medicinal use across history also suggests its safety and health benefits.

    Does peppermint tea contain caffeine?

    Peppermint tea doesn’t contain caffeine. However, some herbal blends do contain caffeine, so always check the individual product labels to be sure. 310 Jasmine Mint Tea, for example, contains some ingredients with caffeine (like green and oolong teas), but there is only a very small amount in each tea sachet.

    Can you enjoy peppermint tea while pregnant?

    Yes, the American Pregnancy Association lists peppermint tea as an herbal tea that is likely safe during pregnancy and may help in relieving nausea and morning sickness. However, we recommend checking with your doctor first to get the green light! 

    Can peppermint tea assist with good sleep?

    Peppermint tea is a favorite to enjoy before bedtime since it’s naturally caffeine-free and its muscle relaxing properties can help you unwind and get ready to sleep. Though there’s no evidence that peppermint enhances sleep, the herb can help prepare your mind and body for rest.

    Is peppermint tea good for weight loss?

    While peppermint tea on its own is not a magic pill for weight loss, it can help support your weight loss goals by replacing sugar-sweetened and high-calorie beverages. Without adding in sugar or milk, a cup of peppermint tea or 310 Jasmine Mint Tea is naturally calorie-free. This makes it a great choice if you’re trying to lose weight. 

    When should you drink peppermint tea?

    As a caffeine-free beverage, peppermint tea is a great choice to savor at any time of the day! After a big meal it can help support digestion, before bed it can promote calmness and muscle relaxation, and in the morning it can help enhance your energy levels. 


    Interested in learning more about the most powerful ingredients to add to your daily diet? Check out the 310 Nutrition Blog for our ingredient-based article series so you can be empowered to choose the best health products for you.



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