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3 Easy At-Home Workouts for All Fitness Levels


Just because you’re spending more time indoors, doesn’t mean that you should throw your hands up in the air and let fitness fall by the wayside… Instead, there are a ton of easy at-home workouts that you can do, for all fitness levels. Keeping up with a solid exercise routine in the midst of these uncertain times will not only allow you to keep your health goals front and center, but will also help you tone your entire body, and burn more calories daily – so you can maintain a healthy weight. 

In this article, we’ll let you in on 3 easy at-home workouts that will help you blast fat, increase total energy, boost metabolism, and even improve mental health. Along with the physical benefits, studies show that regular exercise can help you curb anxiety and heightened stress levels, especially with more to potentially increase your stress load right now.

Don’t have at-home workout equipment? Not to worry, as 310 Nutrition is here to help! Right now, you can get simple yet effective 310 at-home gym equipment at a discounted price – and there will be weekly workouts and even a fun fitness challenge in the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook! These will include workouts for all ages and at-home workouts for beginners, so you can join in with the entire family. We’re here to help you stay ahead of your fitness goals – even if it means working out in a different way than you did before.

Plus, even if you don’t have at-home gym equipment, you can do these home workouts without equipment – or you can get creative with using items that you already have in your home. The most important thing is that you get moving, and follow these tips for success in mastering the art of at-home workouts…

5 Must-Do’s for Fat-Blasting At-Home Workouts

 1) Claim a “workout space”

female doing ABS workouts on a floor in a living room

Notice, we didn’t say an entire workout room filled with big, fancy equipment! Though many people do designate an entire room in their house to staying in shape, if you only have a small corner of a room, that is perfectly okay too. The important part is to make a space where you can comfortably and safely move around. And if that means living room workouts, that is completely okay!

In addition, keep in mind that you only have to take out the equipment you’re going to use, and keep the rest tucked away, to save space. This is easy to do with the 310 Gym Kit – which comes with a roomy athletic bag. You can easily pull out the workout items you need, and keep the rest out of sight. Therefore, you can keep things tidy, while also having simple, lightweight workout equipment to work your entire body.

2) Get creative

If you don’t have at-home workout equipment, look around for objects you can use to tone and strengthen your body in the meantime – and increase the difficulty of your workouts. Some makeshift “weights” might include canned foods, jars of peanut butter, or bottles of water. Make sure you use the “weights” evenly on both sides of your body to get balanced muscle tone.

3) Get connected

woman selecting tutorial before exercise sitting on the floor in the living room at home

Next, workouts are much more fun when you engage in them with others! Especially now, the best way to do this is virtually – and you absolutely should not miss out on the opportunity to stay motivated by staying engaged. Not to mention that online communities like the 310 Nutrition Community will offer insight from professional fitness trainers, answering your questions and helping you tailor workouts to meet your specific needs – so don’t miss out!

4) Choose the proper fuel

Also, remember that it’s not just about exercise! Many people hold the common misconception that they can eat “whatever they want” and then push super-hard in their workouts to make up for it. In reality, your diet is first and foremost the most important thing. You need to give your body clean, whole food nutrition, including the best meal replacement shakes – AKA the proper fuel to look and feel your best. Then, with the energy and mental motivation those foods provide, you can engage in workouts that meet your personal needs and preferences.

5) Go for quality over quantity

woman practicing yoga at home

Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to do super-long workouts to get results. You may be really lacking in time, especially right now, so you want to maximize the time you do have, instead of wasting it.

That’s exactly what we’re going to show you how to do in the circuit-style workouts we’ve mapped out for you, below. Circuit training is awesome, not only for fat-burning, but for cardiovascular fitness and heart health – because you move quickly from one set of exercises to the next with only a very small rest in between.

This helps you get the most out of the short time you’re working out, and because of the increased intensity, still enables you to see results. For instance, all of the workouts below can be done in just 15 minutes – that’s it! So you have no excuse not to crush them! Let’s get moving!

3 Quick, Easy At-Home Workouts For All Fitness Levels

Workout #1: Leg and Core focused (15 minutes total)

Woman Training Legs Doing In and Out Squat

Circuit 1

  • 10 air squats
  • 10 squat jumps
  • 10 squat walks (5 in each direction)
  • 10 donkey kicks (each side)
  • 10 single leg hip bridge (5 each leg)

Circuit 2

  • 10 flutter kicks
  • 10 reverse crunches
  • 10 bicycle crunches (5 each side)

How to do the workout:

  1. Complete circuit 1
  2. 20 second rest
  3. Complete circuit 2
  4. 20 second rest
  5. Continue steps 1-4 for the duration of 15 minutes

*** Add circle bands for all exercises or use any household item as a “weight” to increase difficulty

Workout #2: Arm and Cardio focused (15 minutes)

woman in headphones doing push ups home training

Circuit 1

  • 10 burpees 
  • 10 push-ups 
  • 10 “kettlebell swings” (grab any household item to replace kettlebell)
  • 10 lunge jumps (5 each side)

Circuit 2

  • 10 pike push-ups
  • 10 tricep dips (use elevated surface to increase difficulty)
  • 10 plank to push-ups
  • 20 arm circles (10 forwards, 10 backwards) *use cans or any household item for more difficult, weighted arm circles*

How to do the workout

  1. Complete circuit 1
  2. 20 second rest
  3. Complete circuit 2
  4. 20 second rest
  5. Continue steps 1-4 for duration of 15 minutes

Workout #3: Little bit of Everything 

Woman doing fitness training at home and walking high knees

Circuit 1 (10 minutes)

  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 15 mountain climbers
  • 15 second plank hold (add knee taps to increase difficulty)

Circuit 2 (10 minutes)

  • 10 curtsy squats (10 each side)
  • 10 plank walk-outs with squat at top
  • 10 alternating jackknife crunches (5 each side)
  • 10 leg raises (place hands under small of back for support if needed)
  • 10 side plank crunches (5 each side)

How to do the workout:

Circuit 1

  1. Complete all exercises in Circuit 1 and rest until the end of the minute. Complete circuit again at start of new minute and rest until the end of the minute. 
  2. Repeat for 10 minutes.

Circuit 2

  1. Complete Circuit 2 exercises with 20-30 second rest in-between.
  2. Repeat for 10 minutes.

Be sure to join the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook to get more workouts like these on a weekly schedule! Plus, read more articles on maintaining great health and fitness efforts in the midst of a global pandemic on the 310 Blog.



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