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Reset Your Workout Routine Along With Your Clock!

Do you thoroughly enjoy the fall season? There are a ton of great things about the fall months, in particular November. Even though fall starts in September, November is when things really start to get good. Along with “pumpkin-flavored everything”, (like pumpkin pies, lattes, cookies and more), there’s also hayrides to take, pumpkin patches to visit, and Thanksgiving to celebrate with family and friends. As the weather gets chillier across much of the US, you can pull out your heavier fall coats, and enjoy the crisp fall weather a bit longer before winter chills start to blow through.

All this to say that although November is pretty fantastic, it’s also the month that Daylight Saving Time ends… which can be quite the letdown to some. What does this mean for you? With the first Sunday in November comes the return to Standard Time across much of the US, and the end of longer days of sunshine.

On this day, you “fall back”, or you set the clocks back, which on a positive note means an extra hour of sleep for you. This is in contrast to “spring forward” in March, when Daylight Saving Time starts and the sun begins to set later and later in the day.

What does this mean when it comes to your fitness goals? A

n additional benefit of the return to Standard Time that’s often overlooked is that you actually get more sunlight in the morning, as the sun rises earlier. Though it’s disappointing to have the sun setting very early in the evening, it’s enjoyable and awakening to be greeted earlier by the sun, especially if you’re a morning person.

That being said, in this article, we’re going to talk about the benefits of morning workouts! If you’re used to working out in the early evenings, there’s a good chance you may feel less motivated in the coming darkness. So, this might be a great time to switch your routine to mornings – or at least try it a few days of the week. You never know… You may come to love it!

Ready to reset your workout routine?! Let’s see why mornings have a ton of potential…

Changing Your Workout: Benefits of Morning Fitness

Think you aren’t a morning person?! Think again! Once you see all of the potential rewards to getting physical very soon after arising, you may just put your sneakers next to your bed at night so they’re ready for when you awake!

1) More energy 

Though it may take a week or two to fully get into the groove and get your body used to your morning workouts, it can pay off in the form of higher daily energy on the days you do morning fitness. Why is this? When you exercise, oxygen and nutrients go to your heart and lungs, strengthening your cardiovascular system. This in turn can improve your endurance, and cause you to feel more energized for the entire day after early morning fitness.

2) Sets the tone for a healthier day 

Not only can your energy potentially increase, but working out in the morning can also help you be more motivated to stick with healthier habits throughout the rest of the day!

In a 2018 study in the International Journal of Obesity, college students who faithfully completed a 15-week exercise program made healthier food choices than those who didn’t stick with the daily exercise.

When you work out first thing in the morning, there are no distractions that can keep you from getting your exercise done. Therefore, you’re more likely to actually complete your fitness routine every day, instead of other commitments getting in the way – which, per the research, can help you make healthier dietary choices as well! Win-win!

3) More daily focus

Along with enhanced physical energy throughout the day, increased mental focus is another potential benefit of morning workouts. A 2019 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that exercising in the morning can potentially aid in improved attention, the ability to learn visually, and greater decision-making processes.

4) Improved mood 

Another way that changing your workout to the morning can help improve your health (mind and body), is through a boosted mood. Whereas stress can lead to unhealthy food choices and even take a physical toll on your wellbeing, physical fitness is a natural stress reliever.

Since your brain releases “feel good hormones” during exercise, it’s a total stress and anxiety-buster. And when you work out early, those good vibes continue throughout the day! In general, you’ll also feel awesome that you got your workout done – increasing your confidence and satisfaction even more.

5) Better weight loss results 

Finally, you may even get better weight loss results when you reset your workout routine to the morning. Along with boosting your energy and your metabolism to burn more calories, exercise is also incredible for appetite control. And in particular, when you workout in the morning, it may improve how your brain responds to certain foods and food cues.

Basically, based on the research, a bowl of ice cream may look way more attractive if you don’t do a morning workout than if you do! Not having the exercise can actually cause your brain to crave the unhealthy food more!

In addition, in general, studies show that early workouts may be better for total weight loss. In a study where people worked out in the morning, afternoon or evening, 24-hour fat burn was highest in the group that exercised before breakfast!

Next Steps: Changing Your Workout To The Morning

Female athlete raising arms to the sky after exercising

Are you intrigued by all of the information, above?! If so, you may be ready to begin your new routine of working out in the morning to see what you think! Remember that you don’t have to be confined to any particular type of workout or even to a gym setting. You can workout wherever you want, including outdoors or at home.

Here are some tips for success when you reset your workout routine…

Workout Tips for Success All Year

1) Choose a place with enough space for you to do your exercises comfortably.

2) Get rid of what you know will distract you. It’s like when you study… some people need total silence while other people can work through anything! If the television distracts you, for instance, turn it off!

3) Turn on upbeat music that will get you moving and motivated.

Want to workout at home? Some of the best home gym equipment doesn’t even take up a lot of room. Plus, there are numerous exercises that you can do with each piece of home gym equipment. Even something as simple as a yoga ball can offer multiple fitness rewards! Here are some simple exercises you can do to work your upper body, abs and a lower body using basic home gym equipment.

Yoga Ball


  • Wall Squats (Legs): Place ball against the wall and both feet shoulder-width apart, then squat as low as you can.
  • Crunches (Abs): Place your back on the ball, making sure your feet are planted shoulder-width apart, then crunch.
  • Push Ups (Upper): Place your legs on the ball with your hands shoulder-width apart on the ground. Finally, bend your arms, lowering yourself to the ground as low as your comfort level allows and push up.

Resistance Bands/Cables: Upper Body & Legs

Resistance bands are also very popular, yet take up no room in your home. There are a variety of upper and lower body exercises you can do.

Mini Resistance Bands: Lower Body & Abs


Exercise Sliders: Lower Body & Abs


Want more articles to help you eat clean and live a healthy lifestyle?! Check out more nutritionist-approved health articles on the 310 Blog, here!


Written by:

Dana Gates

310 Nutrition Senior Writer

Dana Gates is a seasoned writer and researcher with over a decade of experience writing about all things health and wellness. Through her articles, she aims to inspire others to live their best, healthiest, and most active lives–by making wise lifestyle and dietary choices daily. Her ultimate goal at 310 [...]

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