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The Perfect Tool To Keep You On Track With Success

Why Writing Down Your Goals = Success

Research shows that you’re 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you take the time to write them down on a regular basis. Which is exactly what the 310 90-Day Wellness Tracking Journal is designed to help you do!

Writing out your goals can help you…

  • Develop clear vision & focus
  • Stay accountable for your success
  • Develop a sense of urgency to complete tasks
  • Eliminate distractions blocking your view
  • Build lasting habits to drive results

About the 310 Wellness Journal

If you’re climbing towards any type of goals, whether it be weight loss or other healthy lifestyle aims, the process is just as important as the destination. The process is what gets you there successfully.

Whereas we definitely recommend that you join the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook so that you can connect with others on their own personal weight loss journey’s – along with 310 Health Coaches to help you determine calorie goals, personalized fitness routines and more – this journal is a must-have tool for tracking your success.

Here’s why we recommend it…

The 310 Nutrition 90-Day Wellness Journal can help you…

  • Map out your unique goals & track your progress
  • Organize your daily diet & grocery list
  • Develop healthy habits that last the duration!

    If you feel completely overwhelmed by your mission and don’t know where to start, this journal will help guide you in the right direction – with clean eating advice from 310 Nutritionists, and worksheets so you can map and organize your progress.

    Let’s dive in and take a look at exactly what this journal has to offer from page-to-page…

    How to Use the 310 Wellness Journal 

    1) Read the Clean Eating & Food Guide Sections

    Could you use a little help knowing what exactly “clean eating” is, and how to make it possible in your day-to-day dietary plan? These two sections, created by 310 Nutritionists, will help you quickly grasp the answers to both. In just a few short pages, learn how you can revamp your diet and add in some healthy lifestyle practices that will help you feel your best and make all the difference in your goals. Also learn which foods you can eat freely, which you should eat in moderation, and which you should avoid completely for success.

    2) Write Down Your Measurements, Starting Weight & Goals For First 30 Days

    Before you start, check out the “How to Track Your Progress” sheet for tips on what to know before you weigh in, how to take your measurements correctly, and what to know before you start. Then, take your Day 1 starting measurements for your arms, hips, thighs, calves, chest, and waist and jot down your starting weight. Also write down your goals for the next 30 days – the more specific the better!

    3) Pick Your Starting Day & Begin Your Journey! 

    Remember that this is a 90-day journey, so make sure you’re mentally and physically prepared to start before you do. Pick your starting day and fill out the “Day 1” journal sheet. Jot down how you felt, what you had for each of your meals and snacks, and the total calories consumed. Also make note of the supplements you took (which can serve as a reminder to take them!), any exercise you did, how much sleep you got, and water you consumed. Finally add any additional notes and write down what you’re grateful for… gratitude is a huge motivation booster, and can help you stay encouraged to keep going!

    4) Note Your 30-Day Progress & Continue On!

    At 30 days, congratulate yourself for a job well done so far, and also take a few minutes to analyze your progress up until that point. Take your measurements and write down your goals for the next 30 days. Take note of your accomplishments in your measurements! Then, pick right back up with you left off to track progress for the next 30 days.

    5) Continue Until You Reach 90 Days

    You’ll do the exact same thing at 60 days, and then again at 90 days, being able to track your progress and measurements along the way. Remember that this is so much more than a numbers game. At the end of this journal you may find that you have completely revamped your diet for the better, and you like it! You may drink more water, or finally decide to fit exercise into your routine. There are so many ways that you can improve your journey by completing this journal!

    Get Started Today!

    Ready to begin?! We’re here to give you all the help you need along the way! Remember to get your 310 Shakes and any other products or dietary supplements to assist with your personal journey. And, check in with the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook at least once a day – you won’t regret it, and it will likely be something you look forward to, in giving and getting advice and encouragement from others.

    Finally, grab your 90-Day Wellness Journal now so you can get specific with your goals, and feel incredibly proud of yourself at the end of 3 months… There’s no better time to start than right now. Get yours!

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