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Update! Cathy Lawrence Reaches Her Goal Weight Of 135 Pounds with 310!


In just 3 months, Cathy had achieved health and weight loss success with 310, looking and feeling better than she had in years. And once she committed to her plan with 310, it become a habit and her day to day was structured. And we're proud to announce that she has now reached her goal weight! Look at her go!

Read her story below for more inspiration on how she got here...

The Turning Point...

My weight is something I’ve been struggling with for many years. Whenever I was successful in losing pounds, I would gain them all back again – because I wasn’t serious enough about the process. And if I’m being honest with myself, I loved “unhealthy” foods way too much to give them up. So, I never saw an immediate need to change my ways.

That is until my husband took a photo of me on our boat (the before picture above), and upon seeing it I was mortified. I would always angle myself in photos to make sure I looked slimmer than I was – but this one was an eye-opener. I immediately deleted the photo but told my husband to save it, but not show anyone. It became a burning motivation to clean up my act once and for all. 

I would always angle myself in photos to make sure I looked slimmer than I was – but this one was an eye-opener ... It became a burning motivation to clean up my act once and for all. 

I found 310 Shakes a year and a half before that episode, and used them to lose 20 pounds. The problem is, I then grew lazy and disinterested in staying healthy – stopping the program and gaining back those pounds and more (close to a 50 lb. gain in total).

Since I already knew all about 310 and how much I had loved the shakes when I first used them, I decided this time I was going to strap in and get serious for the long haul. The difference was that I was now motivated to make lifelong lifestyle changes, instead of viewing the shakes as a short-term solution.

The Change...

I restarted 310 less than 3 months ago, and this time I went all in. I now drink two shakes per day as meal replacements. In addition to that, I try to eat clean and healthy (no more fried foods)! I also drink a lot of water and check food labels to make sure there aren’t chemical ingredients or excess sodium.

And I do intermittent fasting – stopping all eating at 7pm each night and resuming it (my first shake) at 10am the next morning. Everyone’s metabolism is different but I’ve found that when I do this and restrict what I eat at night, I see much better weight loss results the next day.

Weight Loss Success!

The fasting, combined with a healthy diet, improved lifestyle habits, and a regular exercise schedule (5-6 days per week) is really paying off. In just the short two and a half months I’ve been using 310 Shakes, I’ve already lost 30 pounds! Although I’m only half-way to my goal, I’m so proud of how far I’ve come in such a short time – and feel absolutely awesome.

In just the short two and a half months I’ve been using 310 Shakes, I’ve already lost 30 pounds! ... One of my main goals along with reaching a healthy weight is to stay meds free. 

At 58, I’m well aware that it’s now more important than ever for me to stay healthy. Being overweight at this age could be dangerous, leaving me vulnerable to falls, sickness, and disease. One of my main goals along with reaching a healthy weight is to stay meds free. I never want to take anything for high blood pressure, so I’m sticking with a lifestyle that supports balanced levels.

Staying Motivated Through Community...

Whereas in the past I’ve been lax about my health, now I’m fully in, finally realizing how important it is for my future. One thing that enables me to stay on track is the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook. This is such an encouraging, positive, and supportive group that means the world to me. The best part is being able to see others over the age of 50 also reach their goals – it’s so incredibly inspiring!

The best part [of the 310 Nutrition Community] is being able to see others over the age of 50 also reach their goals – it’s so incredibly inspiring!

I also get lots of great clean eating and meal ideas on the Facebook page, along with new shake recipes. Right now, my favorite shake flavors are Coconut and Strawberry, and I mix them in a blender with frozen spinach, frozen strawberries, unsweetened almond milk and water. I make two in the morning and have one for breakfast and one for lunch – super easy and convenient!

The other thing that’s been awesome for me about the shakes is the vitamins and minerals in them, including 30% biotin, which has made a major difference for my hair. Before, I had problems with brittle, thinning hair that fell out; but now, it’s strong and luxurious.

You can have the healthy, vibrant life you desire as you get older – your age doesn’t have to define you!

For anyone else who is looking to lose weight and become healthier, I would tell you to be patient with the process, commit wholeheartedly, and don’t start until you have the support of others. The 310 Nutrition Community is absolutely one of the best places to get that support. If you know you need to make necessary changes for your wellness, don’t wait! You can have the healthy, vibrant life you desire as you get older – your age doesn’t have to define you!

Ready to Try 310? 

Our all-inclusive 310 Starter Kit includes 310 Shakes, Juices, Lemonades and Teas – all for just $9 for new customers! We also invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of men and women are motivating each other in their weight loss journeys.

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