Calorie Calculator
The "310" calorie calculator can be used to estimate the number of calories you might need to consume each day. We also provide guidance on calories needed to consume for maintenance & various levels of weight loss.
- free instant results
- calorie targets by goal
- customized for you
start here
yrs old
daily calories
Please understand that these calculations are based on scientific formulas that generalize between people, and as such may not be relevant in all cases. Additionally, this calorie calculator is not applicable to children or pregnant women. Always consult your doctor before commencing a weight loss program.
- Unit of Measurement:
- Gender:
- Age: 0 yrs old
- Height: ft in
- Weight: 0 lbs
- Activity Level: None
maintain weight
calories per day
minor weight loss 0.5 lb/week
calories per day
moderate weight loss 1 lb/week
calories per day
maximum weight loss 2 lb/week
calories per day