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Alexandra Knabe

A few years ago when starting college, I missed home and food became my comfort. I began to gain weight uncontrollably, becoming very unhappy with myself. I finally got to the point where I couldn’t find clothes in my new size and I was bigger than my mom, my aunts and my sister. I didn’t want to be the “big one” in the family anymore, or feel gross in my own skin.

I saw an ad on Facebook for 310 Shakes and then came across the 310 Community on Facebook. I observed different posts in the Community, eventually joining and learning a ton about healthy and clean eating – coming to realize that what I always thought was healthy really wasn’t!

I decided to try 310 Shakes and started off replacing one meal with a shake each day. Although I had been trying to lose weight for two months before 310 (even cutting out soda and sweets), nothing had worked – but with 310 Shakes I saw immediate results! Without even exercising, I lost about 15-20 lbs. in the first few months!

After that I was hooked, and then I found out I could replace two meals per day with 310 Shakes, so I started to do that and my success grew even more! Altogether, I’ve lost 75 lbs. by using 310 products and living the 310 healthy lifestyle – and I am now the lightest weight that I have ever been in my entire life! I didn’t just lose the weight that I had gained in college, I lost much more.

Since finding 310, my entire life has changed. For starters, I feel confident and accomplished. I also have more motivation and energy and now run and exercise with a group of friends. I use 310 Metaboost to help boost my metabolism after exercising to lose even more weight.

I think the most important thing I’ve realized about 310 is that the products are affordable for everyone! I know a lot of people in college that would say they can’t afford something like 310, but that is the furthest from the truth. In reality, when you add up all of the money you would have spent eating out and on other meals, you end up saving with 310 Shakes!

I tell everyone about 310…and my mom, sister and some friends now use the products as well! 310 Shakes are not only effective but super convenient for any busy lifestyle. Thank you, 310, for making products that have helped be become the best version of myself! I look forward to continuing to grow and reach my goals alongside this company.

Shop for the 310 products that made Alexandra successful!

The 310 Nutrition Community was an important, motivational aspect of Alexandra’s journey. Join the community and gain invaluable support as you push towards your goals.

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