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Iris M. Found Her “Why” & Lost 77 Lbs.

"I’ve now been using 310 Meal Replacement Shakes for 4 years and I am so satisfied by the results. I turned 50 in April and I can honestly say that I’m feeling great. My goal right now is to continue to be as healthy and sexy as I can be!"

What was your biggest challenge when it came to losing the weight?

My biggest struggle with my weight has always been maintaining good dietary habits. I’m the kind of person that starts something new and then loses interest. I also love food – especially Puerto Rican food. My native eating style is not healthy at all!

Before finding 310, I was using a different brand of meal replacement shake to help me lose weight but I ended up getting hives all over my body. The product contained milk and I realized it wasn’t for me since I had to minimize my intake of dairy products.

Instead, I tried a different plant-based meal replacement brand, but I was hungry most of the time and I stopped losing weight. It was around that time that I saw an ad on Facebook for 310 Nutrition, and decided to give it a try – and I have no regrets!

I have to admit that I love food and I’ve never wanted to be on a diet if I had to starve myself. But 310 isn’t a diet - I always feel full and satisfied after drinking the shakes.

What motivated you to make a change?

Of course, like most people, I had that “ah-ha moment” – that wake up call. I was happy in front of my loved ones, but inside I felt sad. Every time I enjoyed a good meal, I felt guilty and disappointed when I was finished. I didn’t like shopping for or buying new clothes.

When I started using meal replacement shakes, I learned that I needed to think and write my “Why”. For me, that reason was turning 50 years old. My parents have a lot of health conditions, and my mom passed away in March of this year from heart disease. I don’t want that for me or my daughter. And I realized I needed a change…

Tell us about your success!

I’ve now been using 310 Meal Replacement Shakes for 4 years and I am so satisfied by the results. I turned 50 in April and I can honestly say that I’m feeling great. My goal right now is to continue to be as healthy and sexy as I can be!

When I started using 310 in 2016 I was 210 lbs and today I weight 133 lbs! I’ve lost 77 lbs, which is amazing considering everything I went through before discovering 310 and starting to change my lifestyle.

My ultimate goal weight is 125 lbs so at this point I only have 8 more lbs to go, but I feel great! Now I can shop online without worrying if something won’t fit, and I feel energized and healthy, with a younger “look” to me.

My goal now is to be as healthy as possible when I reach my 60’s, and help others understand that weight loss should be more than a number!

What do you love BEST about 310 Shakes?

What I love best about 310 Shakes is that they’re so convenient for my lifestyle. My days are long… I leave home and return to it 12 hours later. I don’t have time to cook 3 full meals per day.

310 helps make my days easier and helps me keep my weight loss on track. I can prepare 310 in advance or the day before if needed.

Tell us about your healthy lifestyle routine…

My healthy dietary routine includes having 1 shake for breakfast and 1 for lunch each day. I eat every 3 hours, so in between meals I have healthy snacks.

Typically for breakfast I enjoy a smoothie with almond milk, frozen fruit, and 1 scoop of 310 Shake. For lunch, I also have a smoothie but I leave out the fruit and add in a portion of healthy fat.

For dinner I have 1 portion of carbs and 1 portion of protein (3 oz. of meat, chicken, etc.), and veggies (being careful about starches). For snacks, I enjoy caramel rice cakes, turkey and cheese, and plain Cheerios.

I stopped drinking soda, and later on in my journey I also quit drinking coffee, replacing it with green tea and ginger to help with inflammation and bloating.

Typically, my only drink during the day other than tea is water – I bring my water jar everywhere and try to drink half of my weight in ounces!

Do you have a MUST-TRY shake recipe you'd like to share?

It’s hard for me to pick my favorite shake recipe because there are so many I love, but if I have to choose than 310 Vanilla Shake with banana, chai tea, and cinnamon (or with apple instead of banana). It’s so good!

What does the 310 Community mean to you?

The 310 Nutrition Community has been an incredible source of support for me on this journey. We are all there to encourage each other and I love sharing my story and photos along the way.

Do you have advice for anyone just starting their journey?

What I would say to anyone who is just starting out on their own health journey is to be patient and kind to yourself. Make sure to read and research about the healthy way to lose weight versus starving yourself.

Always love yourself in the process and do not listen to negative comments. Make sure you write and present your “Why”. Plan your meals and stick to them. Accept that it’s okay to fall off the wagon sometimes and to start all over again as many times as you need to until you stick with your goal!

Ready to Try 310?! 

Remember that becoming healthier is a journey, and we’re excited to be on it with you! Our 310 Try It All Kit is a great way to start your adventure because it allows you to try an assortment of products and flavors, to find your favorites upfront! It’s the perfect way to start cleaning up your diet and getting your health on track.

We covered all the bases with this kit. It includes a variety of flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes; 310 Berry Juice packets including 70+ superfoods per serving; Water-enhancing Lemonades with no sugar or artificial sweeteners, minerals, and tea extract; Detox Teas to support optimal health; A 310 Shaker Cup to quickly make and take along all of your drinks; An e-book including easy-to-make healthy recipes; A phone session with a 310 Health Coach; and even a $10 gift card to 310! You can’t go wrong with this kit!

And, it’s currently 50% off, at only $69.00! ($138.00 Value). You got this!

In addition, we invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of women and men are motivating each other to succeed, not only on their weight loss journeys, but in lifelong health.

Want more 310 inspiration?! Browse more life-changing success stories here!

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