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Keri Discovered a Brand New Body and Mindset - Find Out How!

The Challenge...

I’ve always had a thicker body build, but up until the last 5 years, I’ve never considered myself “fat”. I do remember being in the 3rd grade, however, when my PE teacher told me that I was in the “obese” category – and that’s when my obsession with the number on the scale started.

I look back on childhood photos now and at that time, I wasn’t fat at all! I had flat, solid abs and was built like a cheerleader. But back then, there wasn’t someone like Kim Kardashian to model the fact that I was “bootylicious”! Instead, “stick thin” was in – and I was very aware that it wasn’t my body type.

From then until now, I’ve tried every type of diet, and have seen little to no results from all of them. Then, I turned 30 and BAM, everything in my body slowed down, and before I knew it, I had gained 50 lbs.

Luckily for me, I have always had a good relationship with food, and have been a relatively clean eater, thanks to my mom. So, when I decided I really needed to buckle down on what I ate, and cut out the “bad stuff”, it was perfect timing, because that’s when I found 310 to help me

The Change…

I stumbled across 310 when looking up plant-based protein products, and fell in love with the quality of the ingredients used in each product. I mean, what other protein products out there offer calcium, maca root, ashwagandha, beet root, magnesium, spirulina, and more in their shake formulas?

I realized that there were three key factors keeping me from losing weight: the number on the scale not moving fast enough; the idea that weight is supposed to come off quickly; and years of believing that there was going to be a “magic” product or formula to “save me from myself.”

But my “aha” moment really came in realizing that it would be up to me to make healthy changes in my life. I already ate pretty well, but I could do even better, and that’s where 310 products came in to help.

I also needed to add exercise into my weekly routine. I had never been fully committed to fitness - I would dabble with it, but then quit. I knew that it needed to be intentional and I needed to commit! No matter what.

When I first started with an exercise program exactly one year ago, I worked out hard every day, and after 6 months, saw minimal to zero results. I was disheartened to say the least. But then I decided to make two very important changes… I decided to stop stepping on the scale, and focus on how good I feel when I eat healthy and exercise, as my motivation to continue.


When I think about success, I think about how happy, strong, and healthy I am today, now that I have a solid exercise schedule and clean eating dietary plan with the help of 310. I have a brand new body!

I may not have seen the number on the scale go down as much as I would have liked so far, (but that has always been harder for me with my body type) – but when I look at the photos of my body now versus a year ago, I look entirely different. I realize now that I look great! I have healthy curves, and appear strong.

When I started my healthy lifestyle, incorporating 310 products into my routine, I was 255 lbs, and now I am 240 lbs, so I’ve lost 15 lbs. – and my ultimate goal is to get to 170 lbs. I’m excited for what this new year will bring. I already know that the weight goes down slowly for me, but I’ve also gained a lot of muscle, and I’m really happy with the way I look so far, and especially how awesome I feel!

What I Love BEST About 310 Shakes…

What I love best about 310 Shakes and other products is how great they taste, and how clean and healthy they are! I also appreciate that they’re so convenient and help me excel at my nutrition and fitness goals.

Finding 310 was perfect timing because I really didn’t have anything to fall back on after working out. Do I believe it’s a magic pill that’s going to do all the work? Nope - but it’s something incredibly beneficial that I’ve added to my lifestyle, guilt-free.

I love, love, love, love that 310 Shakes are plant-based. I’m not a full vegan, but for now I’m a conscious meat consumer. I think that many people consume WAY too many animal products without even knowing it.

I found 310 because I was searching for a quality plant-based protein product… Then I researched the company and fell in love with their mission as a brand, and since trying my very first shake, I’ve been hooked!

My Healthy Lifestyle Routine…

My healthy lifestyle and dietary routine includes eating as clean as possible, and exercising five times a week. I stretch on the sixth day and rest on the seventh.

I love having my 310 Shakes after my workouts as clean, healthy, and yummy “rewards”, and to help stabilize my hunger throughout the day. I also really enjoy having them at night sometimes, when I have a craving to “snack”. Instead of reaching for unhealthy snack foods, I make a shake instead!

In addition, the 310 Lemonade packets are wonderful. Luckily, I never drank soda, but I was leaning on carbonated mineral waters. When I came across 310 Lemonades, I landed on the best treat possible!

My Favorite Shake Recipe You Have To Try

My favorite recipe using 310 Shakes is incredibly simple and yummy. It features 310 Salted Caramel Shake – which is the flavor that got me hooked on 310!

Before finding 310, I was addicted to salted caramel ice cream from the coffee shop across the street from me. But since finding 310 Salted Caramel Shakes, it’s completely taken away the nagging temptation to eat the ice cream!

I keep my shakes really simple, so I just mix a scoop of the caramel shake powder with 30-calorie almond milk in a shaker cup and shake it up!

How I Stay Motivated Through Community...

To be honest, the 310 Nutrition Community is what hooked me on keeping 310 in my cabinet! I do love the products, don’t get me wrong, but the community is what keeps them on my mind. I love this group so much, and it keeps me motivated to keep eating as clean and healthy as possible, and do my best.

I have found so much support in this group, and I also love to give support to others, so it’s a total win-win situation.

Advice for Newbies…

My advice to anyone who would like to try 310 and become healthier is to join the 310 Community now! Just getting that help and motivation up front makes a huge difference, and can really help you start to transform your diet and yourself.

Also, if you’re like me and struggle with “losing numbers”, don’t give up. Remember you’re making a lifestyle change and that will be worth it for the long-run. You don’t need to see fast changes on the scale overnight.

From my experience, these things have been particularly helpful for me: adding in a daily activity routine and meditation practice, and an 80/20 diet, (where 80% is eating clean and 20% is for the fun times).

In addition, having NO mirror bullying sessions has been huge for me! If you can’t look in the mirror without casting judgement, cover them up! Step on the scale once a month (or not at all), and practice self-love. Fall in love with yourself, be proud of yourself and all the choices you make, and HAVE FUN on this crazy journey!

Ready to Try 310?! 

Remember that becoming healthier is a journey, and we’re excited to be on it with you! Our 310 Try It All Kit is a great way to start your adventure because it allows you to try an assortment of products and flavors, to find your favorites upfront! It’s the perfect way to start cleaning up your diet and getting your health on track.

We covered all the bases with this kit. It includes a variety of flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes; 310 Berry Juice packets including 70+ superfoods per serving; Water-enhancing Lemonades with no sugar or artificial sweeteners, minerals, and tea extract; Detox Teas to support optimal health; A 310 Shaker Cup to quickly make and take along all of your drinks; An e-book including easy-to-make healthy recipes; A phone session with a 310 Health Coach; and even a $10 gift card to 310! You can’t go wrong with this kit!

And, it’s currently 50% off, at only $69.00! ($138.00 Value). Try it out nowYou got this!

In addition, we invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of women and men are motivating each other to succeed, not only on their weight loss journeys, but in lifelong health.

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