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Suzanne Diccianni

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to lose weight. The trouble was, I didn’t have the motivation to actually make it happen! I wanted an easy, “magic pill” solution to my weight problem but wasn’t seeking out tangible ways to turn it into a reality. And then I came across celebrity posts on Facebook promoting 310 Shakes, and stumbled upon the 310 Nutrition Community – an online support network of dedicated 310 users who encourage and motivate each other to succeed.

I frequented this online community for a while and saw so many people post amazing before and after photos. I started to really learn about the shakes and became excited that this route might actually work for me.

I finally made my move and ordered my 310 Shakes at the end of April 2017. At that point, I was still very skeptical that they would help me lose weight (and that I would have the drive to stick with the program). But I thought I would give it a try and at the very least, I would have a quick breakfast option every day!

I dove right into a routine, having one shake a day for breakfast in place of a regular meal. My favorite shake to make includes the 310 Vanilla Shake powder, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, ice and a small banana. Sometimes I have two shakes each day instead of one – like when my family wants fast food or I have a busy schedule. It’s great to know that I always have a clean, healthy meal option on hand when I need it.

I also eat two healthy snacks each day (my favorites include yogurt and granola and apples and peanut butter) and two healthy meals that usually consist of a protein and veggies. I also drink lots of water, and as of recently, 310 Peach Tea. I love drinking this great-tasting, fruity tea in between meals as another way to stay hydrated, and love knowing that it’s also helping me lose weight.

By using the 310 Shakes, eating a healthy diet and drinking 310 Tea, I’ve lost 35 lbs. so far – and am only 7 lbs. away from my goal! To think that earlier last year I was questioning 310 and now it’s such a permanent fixture in my life that has truly worked wonders for me is incredible. I definitely consider myself a “310 lifer”, or someone who will be using 310 shakes for the long-term to maintain my weight even after I reach my goal!

I’ve also been able to accomplish all of this without even having a weekly exercise routine in place, though I stay pretty active. However, I get an incredible boost of energy from drinking the shakes and hope to add regular workouts back in as soon as the time allows.

As a whole, I am definitely on my way to feeling more comfortable in my own skin, but it is still very much a journey. The support in the 310 Nutrition Community helps encourage me to look beyond what I see as “flaws”, and instead be proud of how far I’ve come and start to love my new body every step of the way.

To anyone that is looking to lose weight and become healthier, I would say to get your 310 Shakes today! The starter kit isn’t a lot of money and allows you to try the products, and you’ll be SO happy you did. And measure yourself! This is a great way to witness your progress along the way and something I wish I had done at the beginning.

And if you’re looking at this success story thinking “not me” or “I won’t be able to get there”, remember that I thought the exact same thing at first, and now here I am! Don’t give up on yourself… Success is not only possible, it’s likely and you will absolutely get there with 310, just like I did!

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The 310 Nutrition Community was an important, motivational aspect of Suzanne’s journey. Join the community and gain invaluable support as you push towards your goals.

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