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Meal Replacement Shake Mistakes

When you're looking to lose weight, drinking a meal replacement shake is a great idea. But choosing to use a shake means changing other parts of your life in order to succeed in losing the weight. Here are a few things you need to know when you start to use meal replacement shakes.

1. It's okay to eat healthy snacks between meals

The meal replacement shake replaces a meal and will keep you full. But don't force yourself to go all the way to lunch without eating a snack or all the way to dinner if you have one at lunch. It's okay to be hungry in a couple hours. That actually means your metabolism is working. So choose a sensible healthy snack with protein, like carrots and 2 tablespoons of humus or a sliced apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut or nut butter. This should get you through to your next meal.

2. Be sure to find a shake you like

Some people think you need to feel pain to get any kind of gain. But it doesn't have to be that way. Choose a shake that you enjoy drinking that mixes well with many flavors. That way you'll look forward to having them once or twice a day.

3. Choose a shake that has healthy ingredients!

Many meal replacement shakes have a long list of ingredients you've never heard of. Choose one with ingredients you know and stay away from controversial ones like soy, fillers, sugars and artificial flavors. You're on meal replacement shakes to get healthier, so be healthier with your meal replacement shake!

4. Be choosy about the kind of proteins in your shake.

Some shakes have whey protein, which is a great protein. But to really help you lose weight more effectively, you really want more than just whey. The best meal replacement shakes have other healthy weight loss ingredients along with the whey protein like pea protein, for example. The ingredients should work together to keep you full and fight off hunger.

protein powder5. Consider your budget and choose highest quality for the price.

Some shakes are so pricey you won't be able to keep the diet up for long. Plus you'll most likely buy other ingredients to add to the shake and to be eating healthier. All these things can add up. Since you'll be eating at least one or two shakes a day, pick one that has great ingredients without costing a lot.

6. Get ready to change your life.

Meal replacement shakes are a great way to start losing weight and can help you reach your goals. But don't just rely on the shake and keep living the same lifestyle that made you gain weight. Maybe you still eat like you did when you were 20 but now your metabolism has slowed down. Maybe you need to cut portion sizes. Maybe you used to be a college athlete but now you work a desk job. Start adding back in exercise if the doctor says it's okay. Find out what other lifestyle change you need to make and then make them.

7. Hold the sugar please!

Some meal replacement shakes add sugar or other sweeteners like fructose which are not good for you. Also look out for sucralose. Artificial sweeteners actually stop you from losing weight! You want to find a shake that uses stevia or monk fruit. If you're lucky, both! You want as little sugar as possible.

8. Find a shake with lots of vitamins and minerals.

Hey, this is replacing a meal. So your body still needs nutrients. So look for one that offers as many vitamins and minerals as you should be getting in a regular meal. Some are lower than others and some don't have much at all. Don't skimp!

natural sweetener 310 shake

The best meal replacement shake: 310 Nutrition!

• It has 0 grams of sugar
• 19 vitamins and minerals
• Sweetened with stevia and monk fruit
• Affordable at $2.20 a serving
• Uses Tri-plex proteins: whey, milk and pea protein!

It all adds up! 310 Nutrition is the best meal replacement shake around. It's time to get your diet started and your health back on track.


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