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Feel the Burn! 6 Core Training Workouts Using Exercise Sliders

Exercise sliders help crank your weight loss efforts up a level by letting you work multiple parts of your body - from your glutes, legs, arms, core, and chest. 

Exercise sliders help crank your weight loss efforts up a level by letting you work multiple parts of your body - from your glutes, legs, arms, core, and chest... Plus, you can do them from anywhere (at home, a local park, or while traveling). 

The best resistant training equipment around actually does not need to cost half or all of your paycheck. Simple resistant training equipment are great because they usually entail using your own body weight. Plus, you can do them from anywhere (at home, a local park, or while traveling).

But how exactly do you use exercise sliders? Read on to learn our top six favorite exercise slider work outs to help you feel the burn!

For Strong Core, Glutes & Thighs:

1) Slider Leg Kick Backs

In a semi-squatting position, knees partly bent, doing one leg at a time, slide your leg back. You want to kick your leg behind you. These leg kickbacks work your gluts, hamstrings, and quads.

2) Slider Skaters

Doing another semi-squat where your butt is sticking out, keep one leg planted and the other leg slide it out on the horizontal plane.

3) Slider Hamstring Runners

Lying flat on your back, make sure you put both feet on either slider, and then lift your hip up. You’re essentially doing a running motion with your legs, lying flat on your back. If you want to tighten your hamstrings and gluts, this is one sure way of achieving this. 

For Strong Core, Chest & Arms

4) Spiderman Pushups Using Sliders

You can do pushups while sliding your legs behind you. You work your legs and your chest.

5) Slider Arm Circles

Keeping your elbows half bent, alternate each arm by sliding circles above your head. All of these exercises not only workout your arms and chest, but your core toning your abs.

6) Alternating Arm Slider Pushups

Begin with both sliders next to each other at the center of your chest and then alternate each arm. It doesn’t matter which arm you begin with, just do one at a time, sliding each out one horizontally.

Where to Find Exercise Sliders

Ready to give these workouts a try? You can shop our Core Exercise Sliders here. Or, our our complete Gym Bum Builder Kit - which includes 3 resistant bands (heavy, medium, light) exercise sliders, a jump rope, and a 310 shaker cup. 

Compliment your exercise by refueling your body with nutritious meals or meal replacement shakes. 310 Nutrition's meal replacement shakes are zero sugar, only 90 calories, and filled with plant based proteins to help you keep all of your hard earned muscle. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to get drop the fat and begin to shred. So, invest in a pair of exercise sliders and get your burn on!

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