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Genevieve S. Found Balance in Her Daily Routine & Has Lost 70lbs!

“After being diagnosed pre-diabetic in May 2021, and hitting the heaviest weight of my life, I knew I didn’t have a choice but to start losing weight and getting healthy…  Luckily, I overheard a friend talking about the great success they had in losing weight with 310 shakes, so I said "why not give it a try?"... A little under 6 months later, I’ve already lost 70lbs and I don’t plan on slowing down!”

Tell us about your journey to better health…

After being diagnosed pre-diabetic in May 2021, and hitting the heaviest weight of my life, I knew I didn’t have a choice but to start losing weight and getting healthy.

Luckily, I overheard a friend talking about the great success they had in losing weight with 310 shakes, so I said "why not give it a try?"

A little under 6 months later… I’ve already lost 70 Lbs and I don’t plan on slowing down!

What motivated you to make a change?

On May 28th my life changed... 

It’d been well over a year since I last stepped on a scale, but since I had a doctor appointment later that day I decided to rip the Band-Aid off, and get it out of the way.

As I looked down at the scale I got light headed… It read 240 lbs (the heaviest weight I’d ever been). And to make things worse, the doctor revealed later that day that I was pre-diabetic. 

How could I let this happen to me? 

At that moment I knew I had to make a change! So I listened to my friend’s recommendation, got started with 310, and the rest is history...

Tell us about your success!

When I first started with 310 I weighed 240 LBS… But thanks to my hard work and consistency I’m now only 170 pounds, and on my way to 150!

I’m so much healthier than I was before starting my journey, and it feels incredible to wake up everyday and see real weight loss progress.

Losing 70 pounds was just the beginning!

What do you love best about 310 Shakes?

With my love for food, making a healthy lifestyle change was my biggest struggle... but it’s easy with 310 shakes, because I look forward to drinking them as a meal replacement! 

They’ve helped me learn how to eat healthier without depriving myself, and I’ve found a beautiful balance.

Tell us about your healthy lifestyle routine?

I love starting my day with a 310 breakfast shake…

My go to flavor is vanilla because it’s so versatile, and I love to add blueberries or make a yummy peanut butter shake... Sky's the limit on vanilla shakes and the creativity you can have with them!

For lunch I usually go with chicken/protein and vegetables, because it’s easy after my workout. And I like to keep my dinners light (maybe a salad and some rice cakes). 

As for exercise, I go to the gym 6 days a week... 

And 310 shakes have been amazing at keeping me full during my workouts!

Do you have a MUST-TRY Shake recipe you’d like to share?

Oh yeah! 

Here’s my exact recipe: 2.5 cups of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, one scoop of 310 Vanilla, and a tablespoon of Sugar free vanilla pudding powder, shaken in a shaker cup.

Then I just pour that concoction into a blender, add 1/2 cup of blueberries, blend, and bam!

(Pro tip - add a handful of ice to make your shake thicker)

What does the 310 Community mean to you?

The 310 Community has been so unbelievably supportive and encouraging during my journey. 

I love to see people’s success stories, and there’s so much to learn from others. I’ve gotten many tips on how to break a plateau when I feel like I’m hitting a wall. 

A journey is exactly what I call it, and it’s nice to have others along for the ride!

Do you have advice for anyone just starting their journey?

Stay motivated against all odds!

There’ll be times where you'll get discouraged and want to quit... Don't. Keep pushing forward no matter what, and I promise you will see the rewards from your dedication and hard work!

Ready to Try 310?! 

Remember that becoming healthier is a journey, and we’re excited to be on it with you! Our 310 Try It All Kit is a great way to start your adventure because it allows you to try an assortment of products and flavors, to find your favorites upfront! It’s the perfect way to start cleaning up your diet and getting your health on track.

We covered all the bases with this kit. It includes a variety of flavors of 310 Meal Replacement Shakes; 310 Berry Juice packets including 70+ superfoods per serving; Water-enhancing Lemonades with no sugar or artificial sweeteners, minerals, and tea extract; Detox Teas to support optimal health; A 310 Shaker Cup to quickly make and take along all of your drinks; An e-book including easy-to-make healthy recipes; A phone session with a 310 Health Coach; and even a $10 gift card to 310! You can’t go wrong with this kit!

And, it’s currently 50% off, at only $69.00! ($138.00 Value). You got this!

In addition, we invite you to join our Facebook Community so you can see firsthand how hundreds of thousands of women and men are motivating each other to succeed, not only on their weight loss journeys, but in lifelong health.

Want more 310 inspiration?! Browse more life-changing success stories here!

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