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Rebecca Decker Lost More Weight Than She Ever Imagined, 65 Pounds!

Before: 205 Pounds                      After: 140 Pounds

The Turning Point...

I can vividly remember the moment I realized I needed to lose weight and start making my health a major priority. I was shopping for a dress for my daughter’s upcoming wedding and was incredibly discouraged that nothing I tried on fit nicely. It dawned on me that in order to look and feel the way I wanted to on her special day, I needed to make some major life changes.  

The Change...

Shortly after, my coworker told me about 310 Nutrition and how it had helped her completely reshape her body and lifestyle. She suggested I join the 310 Nutrition Community group on Facebook, where I would find loads of support and advice from real 310 users. She also gave me a sample of 310 Chocolate Shake, and I loved it so much, I ordered my own!

My first reaction upon trying 310 Shakes was that it was so fast and easy to make, and despite the fact that it’s a low-calorie weight loss shake, tasted delicious. I knew immediately that the shakes were something I would enjoy using for the duration!

My normal routine included replacing 2 meals with shakes a day, for breakfast and lunch. In the morning, I blended up a smoothie using 310 Chocolate Shake (my favorite flavor), unsweetened almond milk, a few strawberries and ice. At lunch, I made a simpler shake in my 310 Shaker Cup with just the chocolate shake powder and almond milk. Even though it’s only two ingredients, it kept me satisfied and held me over until my afternoon snack!

The shakes also give me so much energy, so I can exercise much more than I did before. Walking my dog used to be my only form of exercise, but now I belong to a gym and workout 5 days a week, doing cardio and strength training. I also make sure I get at least 10,000 steps in each day.

Weight Loss Success!

I’ve now been using 310 Shakes for a little over two years, along with clean eating 80 percent of the time, exercising and exhibiting portion control, and I’ve lost more weight than I ever imagined I could! I’ve lost 65 pounds and at 49 years old, I feel amazing! When I started the shakes at 205 lbs., I never dreamed I could get down to 140 lbs., but here I am. Any additional weight loss after this is really just a bonus! The most important thing is that I’m healthy, happy, and set up to succeed for the long run.

As for my long-term plan, I know I will continue using 310 Shakes, because they’ve helped shape the ideal healthy lifestyle for me. I love that I’ve found something that can help me age gracefully and stay strong and active as I get older. 

Staying Motivated Through Community...

Although I knew about clean eating before I started 310, I found a number of resources in the 310 Nutrition Community showing me how to make the lifestyle work best for me. I also found a ton of recipes there, ensuring I never got bored with my meals.

Along with being a source of continual knowledge, the 310 Community can start to feel like a family that is always ready to boost you up any time you need it. Though it wasn’t always easy to make some of the big adjustments like giving up sugar and processed foods, I always found others dealing with the same circumstances, and it was so helpful to hear their experiences and how they overcame them.

Don’t give up! You are so worth it, and your best life can begin right now, no matter what age you are. Let 310 help you build your best self, starting today.

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