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Pam Burkholder

I’ve been on and off of diets my entire life. For me, it was a constant quest to try to lose weight and find a healthy lifestyle that I could actually maintain for the duration. So, when I came across the 310 Nutrition Community on Facebook, it was like finding water in the middle of the desert! Everyone in the community was so empowering, motivational and inspiring in the way that they were living their lives and using the 310 products to conquer their goals. I began to wonder if 310 was the solution I was seeking, but I was hesitant to make the first move.

The main struggle for me at the time was my finances. At 62 years old and newly retired, I was on a set budget. But I soon learned that what I thought was a major stumbling block was actually not a problem. I started following other women in the community who were in my age range and realized that by taking advantage of the countless promotions available, the 310 lifestyle was more than just doable, but it could actually even save me money. After all, I wouldn’t be buying all of the unnecessary junk foods and snacks that I was before!

I finally made the leap after about six months of being a spectator in the community and started to build up my product supply. Now, I can’t imagine not having my 310 products or this amazing community that I spend time in every day, getting the encouragement and knowledge I need to keep succeeding.

With the truly transformational 310 products and my new low-carb lifestyle that I now follow, I have been able to lose 32 pounds in about 8 months. My all-encompassing goal is just to be as healthy as possible and be able to thoroughly enjoy retirement with my fiancé. As for the actual number on the scale, my goal keeps changing, because I keep exceeding my wildest expectations! Originally, my goal weight was 170 lbs. Once I reached that, it moved down to 166 lbs. and now it’s 160 lbs.! But who could even go down to 150 lbs. because I keep surprising myself with what I am capable of achieving! 

My normal routine is to replace one meal with a 310 Shake per day and my favorite flavors are the Vanilla Chai and the Strawberry. I also have at least one 310 Tea per day and the 310 Lemonades once or twice a day; they’re seriously so tasty and help me both naturally suppress my appetite and boost my energy.

I also follow a low-carb diet and I exercise every week. Three times a week I go to the gym with a friend and do an hour of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training. I also have almost all of the 310 Gym equipment and follow along with the videos on the 310 Gym Community page on Facebook, which I’m planning to start utilizing even more on days that I don’t physically go to the gym.

At this point, I know I will be using the 310 products for life, even after I reach my goal. The way that I feel, and my new healthy lifestyle and positive outlook is something that I wouldn’t trade in for the world!

I’ve also reached another important health goal of mine… I’ve been able to get off of two different medications and the doctor said that I should be able to get off of my third medication for my blood pressure very soon. The fact that I am a healthier person now because of 310 is amazing!

And again, I can’t say enough good things about the 310 Nutrition Community, which is another aspect that makes 310 stand out from other similar companies since this group is completely unmatched. It’s a no-judgement zone, and there is so much knowledge available there. It’s truly a phenomenal place where you can really flourish and take your personal goals to the next level.

For anyone who is looking to lose weight and become healthier, I would say that you have to give 310 a try right now! Join the community and give the process a chance to work. It was hard for me to start at first, but once I did, I was ready and knew I would be successful. Because if you dive in with the right mindset and lean on the community for support, you can’t go wrong. The program will work wonders for you when you are ready to make it a priority.

I never imagined that at 62 years old, I could be as healthy and glowing as I am right now. I have a new, rejuvenated sense of self and purpose and I hope that my story can bring inspiration to others my age who are looking to make the same necessary changes in their lives. If you know you need to make those changes, don’t wait; Your solution is 310 and the time is now…Try it today!

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The 310 Nutrition Community was an important, motivational aspect of Pam’s journey. Join the community and gain invaluable support as you push towards your goals.

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