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Laquisha Ivery

My journey started over a year ago when I found myself very overweight and miserable. At the age of 29 I was 230 pounds with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea. My doctor said "you are too young, too short, and too overweight. If you don’t make a change you will die."

When I say that I tried it all, I really did: counting calories, diet fads, Hip Hop Abs, Zumba, and a whole lot more. I was the queen of yo-yo diets. In September of 2014, I had gastric sleeve surgery, which began my new habit of living healthy. I just wasn’t sure where to get started. I saw a couple of my favorite celebrity housewives talking about a meal replacement shake called 310 Shake. They even had free samples and a shaker cup – I was sold.

310 Shake helped me take my health and fitness to the next level. When the shake became a consistent part of my routine, the weight was coming off and my body was looking leaner. I also noticed that my sugar cravings were gone. I’m so happy to have found something that really works. The support from the 310 Nutrition website was amazing. Not only did I find a great product, but I found a great support system. A real company that really cares about the health of their customers. I’m truly thankful to have found it.

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