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Tamara Higgins Feels Better than She Has in Ages, and Lost 17 Pounds!

Before: 158                    After: 141

The Turning Point...

I was happy with my weight for most of my life, but then a messy divorce threw me off track and I gained pounds that I simply could not lose no matter what I tried. Before I knew it, I had put on almost 30 pounds – more than I had gained when I was pregnant.I found myself trapped in a cycle where I would lose 5 or 10 lbs. and then put it back on again, so I couldn’t get back to my starting weight.

Finally, I saw a photo of myself and remembered how good I thought I had looked that day. But staring at the photo, I saw a hauntingly different picture; I saw overly round, unfamiliar chubby cheeks and baggy clothes to hide all my new weight. A pang in my stomach told me it was time to get my health back on track for myself and my daughter.

The Change...

I had recently seen ads for 310 on Facebook and decided to try the $9 Starter Kit, since it was affordable and looked intriguing. Today, I lean on so many of the products to maintain my new healthy lifestyle! It’s incredible how much I’ve changed and how much I love the “new me”. I feel so much more alive and comfortable in my own skin – even more than I did before I gained weight.

I currently enjoy a 310 Shake every morning for breakfast, and most days I also have one for lunch. At this point I’ve almost reached my goal, and although I don’t need to replace two meals with shakes each day, I still do because they’re so tasty and convenient! My favorite shake flavors are the brand-new Toasted Coconut, Mocha, Chocolate and Salted Caramel! I usually mix up each shake with a frozen banana, peanut butter, chia seeds, frozen avocado, ice and water.

I also love the 310 Lemonades (the Original Lemon flavor is my favorite!) and the Peach Detox Tea. I love making slushies with all of the lemonades, creating healthy treats that are wonderful replacements for the unhealthy fast food slushies I used to devour.

All of the 310 products I use also help to boost my energy. Early on in my routine, I was mainly focused on cleaning up my diet, and I didn’t have consistent workouts. But now I exercise at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes. I also have all of the 310 Gym at-home equipment and love following the workout videos in the 310 Gym Community on Facebook.

Weight Loss Success!

I’ve now been using 310 products for 15 months, and I’m very close to my ultimate goal, which is to get back to 136 lbs. I’ve lost 17 lbs. with 310 (after the 10 lbs. I lost on my own), and I now have a system to maintain my new healthy weight for the long-term! I only have about 5 more pounds to lose and I know I’ll get there this time. I feel better right now than I have in ages! Previous to using 310, I would never wear sleeveless shirts because I didn’t like the way my arms looked in pictures, but now I love picking out sleeveless outfits!

Staying Motivated Through the 310 Facebook Community...

The 310 Nutrition Facebook Community has also made the biggest difference for me – becoming like a family outside of my own. In the beginning, it was the place I went to get all of my questions answered, and now I’m the one answering questions for others! It feels so great to be able to give back and help others get to a better place in their lives like I have.

Honestly, I think everyone should try 310! No matter what your goal is, you need to take the first step and decide that you’re worth it and you want to be healthy. With 310, you don’t have to do it alone! Plus, the Starter Kit is extremely affordable. Living a healthy lifestyle using 310 products is something you can start today to secure a better tomorrow for you and your family!

Ready to try 310?

The 310 Nutrition New Starter Kit is just $9 for new customers. Try it today! Before you do, be sure to join our Facebook Community and read other inspiring weight loss stories.


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