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Anna Marks "Struck Gold" with the 310 Facebook Community and Lost 85 Pounds!


The Turning Point...

I’ve been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. Because of my weight, I also felt trapped in my body, a prison of fat. I could not move with ease, sit comfortably in chairs or fit adequately on an airplane. I even got stuck in a turnstile on the subway once. Imagine that! I lived in constant fear and terror that I would never be healthy and fall victim to an obesity-related illness.

My main goal when I found 310 Nutrition was to significantly improve my health – which I’ve finally achieved with the assistance of the 310 product line. I credit my significant weight loss to my new healthy lifestyle! My outlook on life embodies a level of positivity I never imagined possible, and I possess a newfound confidence, greeting each day with excitement and feeling grateful to be alive. 

The Change...

I discovered 310 Nutrition on Facebook while seeking a high-quality meal replacement shake and struck gold when I came across the 310 Facebook Community. It was there that I witnessed a resounding source of support as well as amazing testimonials by others using the 310 products to transform their lives for the better.

I jumped at the opportunity to order my own 310 Shakes and from the moment I tasted my first one, I was hooked! I literally have every single flavor and they are irresistible! I drink two shakes per day to substitute regular meals, always having one for breakfast and another either for lunch or dinner. I love to experiment with a variety of healthy ingredients in my shakes such as nut milks, Greek yogurt, spices, nuts, fruits and vegetables. 

Currently, I use the entire 310 Nutrition line of products including:

Exercise, a foreign concept to me before, is now a welcome addition to my daily life. I own all of the 310 Gym equipment which means that I don’t have to leave the comfort of my home (if the weather is poor) to get in a workout. The professional trainers in the 310 Gym Community have helped me develop personalized workouts specially-designed for my physical limitations due to past injury and have empowered me to feel like I can own a great workout despite those injuries! 

Weight Loss Success!

I traded in a 5,000 calorie-a-day fast food lifestyle comprised of drive-throughs, takeout, processed sugars, bread, pasta and sugary drinks for a 1,250 calorie-a-day diet encompassing clean, natural and whole foods. I feel incredible! No more fog, fatigue or energy crashes. Drinking water was an alien concept before I adopted 310 Nutrition into my regimen, and now I drink an excess of 100 ounces of alkaline water and weight loss-supporting 310 Lemonade and 310 Tea all day long.

I’ve been fully committed to the 310 lifestyle for ten months and have lost 85 pounds to date! The most impressive aspect of this life change has been the countless health benefits I’ve experienced. Prior to using 310, I had high cholesterol and my vitamin and mineral levels were all over the charts.

Today, my cholesterol, blood sugar levels and protein levels are all normal. Miraculously, my vitamin and mineral levels are now perfect. The energy I possess is seemingly endless; I can run around like I did in my teenage years!

Staying Motivated Through Community...

From the 310 Nutrition Facebook Community I have become educated about food and have adopted a ‘clean-eating’ approach to my diet. I’ve completely changed my dietary habits and have never been so excited about food! The CEO of 310 Nutrition, Tim Sharif, is incredibly involved in the successes of the 310 members; his live feed on ‘How to lose a pound a day’ inspired, motivated and convinced me that I owed it to myself to begin making a major overhaul to my diet and lifestyle.

Throughout my personal journey with 310, I’ve finally learned to love myself, take good care of myself and make the time to invest in my health and happiness. I believe that anyone who desires a similar transformation but is afraid of investing their valuable time and hard-earned money on a product that simply won’t work will discover that 310 Nutrition is different. Honestly, nothing on the market can compare. Period.

If you simply believe in yourself, incorporate the 310 product line into your daily regimen and gradually change your habits and food choices, you can nourish and heal yourself from the inside, and radiate health, happiness and confidence on the outside! Take the first step to achieving your goals and give 310 Nutrition a chance. 

Ready to Try 310? 

Our 310 New Starter get is just $9 for new customers. We also invite you to join our Facebook Community to learn how thousands of men and women are motivating each other along their weight loss journeys.

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