What you get with the 310 Keto Calculator:
- Free instant results!
- Calorie targets by goal
- Macronutrient targets by goal
- Customized plan for you
- BONUS Meal Plan E-Book
What you get with the 310 Keto Calculator:
By entering your gender, age, weight and height, we determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR) - which is the amount of calories you burn at rest, or the amount of calories you need to maintain weight. This number is then adjusted based on your goal to either lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight.
Important: We don't recommend a calorie restrictive diet with your body composition and activity level.
To align with your current activity level as well as your goal to either maintain lean muscle or gain lean muscle, we’ve adjusted your grams of protein per day. Ultimately, protein should be about 20-25% of total calories, depending on the factors listed.
In addition to lowering carbohydrate intake to a specific amount, increasing fat intake is vital to enter ketosis. Based on your goals, this is your individualized recommended fat intake per day. As a general recommendation, we suggest fat intake should be about 60-75% of total calories.
Based on your chosen intake of NET carbs and your recommended fiber intake, your daily intake of carbohydrates should be around this number, based on the calculation that Carbs - Fiber = Net Carbs.
Important: To hit you net carb goal of 20g, make sure to intake at least 25g of Fiber.
Got your results?! Fantastic! Read on to learn more about how the 310 Keto Calculator works, what do with your results, and recommended next steps, (or dive right in with your 310 Keto Kit, now)!
Now that you know how to track your macros and pick the right foods to ace a ketogenic diet, let us tell you a little about our nutritionist-recommended path for keto success. First of all, your mind needs to be on track with your goals before your body will follow! The best way to ensure that you have the continued motivation and encouragement you need to succeed is to decide right now not to do it alone…
The 310 Nutrition Community is a place where you can find the support, guidance, and personalized advice you need to start living a healthier lifestyle today. In addition, you’ll also find practical ideas for quick, healthy recipes and decadent meal replacement smoothies. Join Now!
2 Shakes + 1 Healthy Meal + 2 SnacksNext, for weight loss, we always recommend a plan of two keto meal replacement shakes per day as meals. Then, have one keto-friendly regular meal and two keto-approved snacks throughout the day. It’s that easy! Plus, the solutions we mentioned on this page, and the 310 Keto Kit can all help you achieve awesome results daily (and we provide additional recipe ideas, below)!
Having a busy schedule no longer has to be an excuse for why you aren’t living your healthiest, most enjoyable life. Begin yours now!
Your keto meal plan is on it's way!
Welcome to 310 Nutrition! The Keto Calculator is designed to help you pinpoint the exact number of daily calories and macronutrients needed to meet your keto diet and weight loss goals. The calculator will provide you with results necessary to maintain, lose, or gain weight dependent upon your personal health needs. In addition, it will provide personalized guidance for you if you’re trying to build lean muscle mass.
In addition, after using the calculator tool, we also provide invaluable resources on next steps – so you can move forward with confidence, equipped with the tools to succeed! Ready to begin your keto journey?! Great, enter in your details above! Continue reading to learn about our calculator and how it works.
*A net carb is the amount of carbs in a food item that is actually absorbed and digested by your body, therefore counts towards your overall carb limit. Fiber plus sugar alcohols do not count towards your total net carbs. Therefore, to find out your net carbs, use the equation: Total Carbs – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols = Net Carbs.
*We recommend that for the greatest success while on keto, you keep your net carb count to 5-10% of total calories, which amounts to no more than 30g of net carbs per day.
Got your results?! Fantastic! Read on to learn more about how the 310 Keto Calculator works, what do with your results, and recommended next steps, (or dive right in with your 310 Keto Kit, now)!
By entering your gender, age, weight and height, the calculator is able to determine something called your basal metabolic rate (BMR) – which is basically the amount of energy you spend (or calories you burn) while at rest, not doing anything physical.
The calculator uses the Mifflin-St. Jeor Formula to find your BMR, since it’s considered the most accurate formula:
For men:
BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A + 5
For women:
BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A - 161
Gender: Whether you’re a male or a female determines your unique body composition, with different caloric needs and requirements.
Age: As you age, (especially after age 30), your muscle mass declines, and your BMR decreases; Therefore, your caloric goal will vary based upon your age.
Height & Weight: These two personalized details also factor into figuring out your unique body composition and calorie needs.
Just as important as your primary personal details is the amount of energy you expend when you are active. The keto calculator then uses your BMR combined with your physical activity level (PAL), to find your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), which is how many calories you typically burn in 24 hours. Then, this figure helps you determine how many calories you need to eat daily to meet your energy needs.
Here is some information to help you determine what category of physical activity you fall into…
Sedentary – In this category, there is very little physical movement in your day-to-day-life. You don’t exercise regularly, and you spend a lot of time sitting, often at a desk job. Note that if this describes you, we highly recommend you aim to increase the amount of movement in your life, to greatly improve your health along with your keto results.
Light Exercise (1-2 Days Per Week) – In this category, you have some light activity in your day, such as aiming to walk around more, doing light yoga or stretching. You also may take leisurely walks of around 20-30 minutes, 1 to 2 days per week. You also aim to get up from your desk as often as possible to move around, and do more chores at home that require movement.
Moderate Exercise (3-5 Days Per Week) – In this category, you value a recommended weekly exercise schedule of 3-5 days per week, doing moderate activity such as brisk walking, running, biking or strength training for 30-60 minutes. You may also have a day job that requires more physical movement than a desk job, and aim to get up as often as possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and other things that require you to be active.
Heavy Exercise (6-7 Days Per Week) – In this category, you go above and beyond the average in terms of weekly physical activity. You either have a very active and physically intense day job (such as in construction, as an industrial worker or physical fitness trainer), or you fit a ton of extracurricular activity into your week, doing at least something every day. You push your body to the limit and you’re always looking to hit new fitness milestones!
To reiterate, your “NET” carbs are one of the most important items to track while on the keto diet. As you know, in order to get into the state of ketosis, you have to effectively reduce your carbs; However, even more important than the total carbs in a food product are the net carbs – or the carbs that can actually be digested by your body. The formula to figure them out is: Total Carbs – Fiber = Net Carbs.
For the purpose of this keto calculator and discovering your unique macros, we’ve gone ahead and placed your daily net carb goal at 25g, which is the amount recommended by experts to help you reach ketosis, (especially if you’re new to keto dieting). However, if you prefer to choose your own daily net carb intake, you have the option to do that as well.
To learn more about regular carbs vs. net carbs and why it matters on the keto diet and getting into ketosis, check out this Carbohydrates and the Keto Diet Article. But as a rule of thumb, you want about 5-10% of your daily diet to be digestible (net) carbohydrates.
Next, the 310 Keto Calculator will also determine the ratio of protein you should consume each day – to ensure you reap the most benefits from the keto dietary program. In line with recommendations from experts on how to get into ketosis, your protein will be somewhere between 20-25% of your daily calories. This is all based on the unique details you submit (such as your personal keto goals and your activity level).
Note that if you’re looking to gain lean muscle mass, your protein intake goal will be closer to 25% of your daily calories; However, if muscle isn’t your goal, it will be closer to 20% of daily calories.
Along with your protein and NET (or digestible) carb intake, the 310 Keto Calculator will also give you a suggested amount of daily fiber. We follow the federal guidelines set out by the Institute of Medicine for recommended fiber amounts, which is separated by sex. These guidelines are ideal for anyone who is trying to consume a clean and healthy diet in general, along with those following keto.
For women, it’s recommended that you consume at least 25g of fiber per day; For men, it’s 38g per day. Therefore, you’ll see these numbers generated by the calculator as your daily fiber recommendations while on the keto diet.
While fiber is an extremely important element in your diet, most people unfortunately don’t get enough of it. And while on keto, some people get even less fiber since they’re cutting out many fiber-packed foods including fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes. Therefore, it’s important to stay especially vigilant while on the ketogenic diet, and make sure you get enough fiber via keto-friendly meal replacement shakes, low-carb veggies, small amounts of low-carb fruits, and nuts and seeds.
It should also be noted that we use the stated federal fiber recommendations to also determine what your daily total carb intake should be. This is there for anyone who would like to track their keto macros that way, however, keep in mind that, (as stated previously), we suggest abiding by your daily NET (or digestible carb) intake goal rather than total carbs.
This is because, as mentioned, NET carbs already have the fiber removed, while a total carb count will include the fiber, even though it is handled differently by your body. Basically, your aim should be to eat high-fiber, low-carb foods – which will help you both stay within your keto macros and get the fiber you need for optimal gut health, digestion, toxin removal, heart health and more.
Now that you know how the keto calculator works, let’s go over your unique results and then next steps on how to succeed with a keto program…
Based on your personal details, including your BMR, activity level, and unique goals (including whether you desire to lose, gain or maintain weight, and if you want to gain muscle), you’ll be given a daily calorie recommendation. This number is the amount of calories that we recommend you consume each day in order to be successful.
*Also, just a note that, in general, the unique nature of the keto diet (being very low in carbs and naturally speeding up fat-burning) already promotes significant weight loss. Therefore, if losing weight is your goal, but the generated calorie amount isn’t enough to be a “healthy daily caloric intake”, the keto calculator will re-adjust so that it isn’t too low in calories.
Basically, it will correct itself to give you what’s considered to be a healthy daily amount of calories for total wellness. However, keep in mind that because you’re following the keto diet, you’ll likely still be able to lose weight, even by staying within the recommended calorie count.
This section is specifically for those on the keto diet, and is based upon our nutritionist-recommended keto guidelines for daily macronutrients…
Great question! Our bodies need both macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to survive. But though they are all important, you need the macronutrients in much larger quantities each day, and you have to get them from your diet – your body does not produce them!
Therefore, the keto calculator will give you the recommended number of daily macros (protein, fat, and carbs) in order to maintain your current weight, gain weight, or lose weight (depending on your goal) – in the same way as in the calories section.
The exact macros you will be consuming daily will vary based upon the personal details you include in the keto calculator… However, the range for each macronutrient will roughly fall in line with the following: 60-75% fat, 20-25% protein and 5-10% digestible carbohydrates per day.
Congratulations! You took the first step towards success and now have specific targeted daily calorie + macronutrient goals for weight loss and the keto diet!
So, at this point you’re probably wondering, what do I do next?! First, you’ll want to get yourself a great keto tracking app on your mobile device, which will help you ensure you don’t go past your daily calorie and macro limits.
How do they work? Basically, you just input every food and drink item you consume, and the app does the rest… telling you exactly how many calories, fat, protein and carbs are in each item. This way, you can easily see how you’re doing throughout the day, and monitor each section of your goals for the best success.
In order to get into ketosis, it’s really important that you stay within your given macros. Another thing that can truly help you stick to these guidelines is keto-friendly meal replacement shakes, like 310 Shakes. These shakes are very low in carbs, and contain great protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and probiotics – all things you need to succeed on a keto diet.
In addition, they’re low in calories (only 90 per serving) and taste delicious, in yummy, dessert-like flavors. Plus, the set calorie amount makes them one of the easiest ways to stay in control of your calorie count for each meal!
Keep in mind that whereas keto-friendly 310 Shakes provide a wonderful base for keto smoothies – providing excellent plant-based protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, superfoods, probiotics and a small amount of healthy fat – you still need to increase the fat content to meet your keto macro goals.
A very quick and simple way to do this, especially when you’re in a hurry, is to add MCT Oil into your 310 Shakes. To learn more about the best way to utilize MCT Oil and the unique, ketone-boosting benefits, check out this post on How Much MCT Oil Should I Take Per Day.
As another option, you can add 310 protein powder into a blender with other healthy, high-fat ingredients to mix up a keto smoothie. This is also a fast and effective way to boost your fat and calorie goals on keto! Some great super-healthy, high-fat additions to smoothies include avocado, coconut or MCT Oil, full-fat plain Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, peanut butter or another nut butter, flax or chia seeds, and coconut milk or cream.
In addition to keto meal replacement shakes, here are some additional solutions we believe will greatly help you along in your keto/weight loss journey:
Before we move onto the foods you should and shouldn’t eat while on the ketogenic diet, we want to tell you about our 310 Keto Kit… which includes a full-size bag (28-servings) of 310 meal replacement shake powder in the flavor of your choice (Chocolate, Toasted Coconut, Vanilla, Chocolate Mint, Vanilla Chai or Strawberry).
Plus, it also comes with a full bottle of the above-mentioned MCT Oil, and a shaker cup to make quick keto meal shakes for on-the-go. In addition, it includes a Keto Meal Plan E-book, with great ideas for smoothies and other meal recipes. Hint: Add a scoop of collagen powder or superfood juice powder into your meal replacement shake smoothies for additional benefits!
Get your Keto Kit now with the essentials you need to hit the ground running on your path to keto success!
Next, when you aren’t indulging in convenient meal replacement shakes, we’ll give you a guideline for what foods to eat on the keto diet.
Starting with your daily fat content (which is the most important macronutrient on keto), you’ve probably been pre-wired to be scared of fat in your diet. If this is the case, it’s time to shake off those limiting beliefs, because fat encompasses 60-75% of your daily calories on keto, depending on your specific metrics in the keto calculator.
Where should this fat come from? Healthy oils, full fat dairy, nuts, nut butters and more. Both unsaturated and saturated fats are good for you, so don’t be afraid to get the daily fat needed to stay in ketosis.
However, certain fats will still be better than others. While many people use keto as an excuse to load up on unhealthier food choices (bacon, processed meats, packaged keto products), alternately, try to choose fresh, whole food sources. For instance, avocado, coconuts and olives.
Is bacon okay on a keto diet? Sure. Should you eat it with every meal? No! Instead, include healthier fats into every meal.
Sources of healthy fats:
Recommended reading:
Dirty Keto vs. Clean Keto: Which One is Right For You?
Grass-Fed Butter: Are You Missing Out On This Keto Health Food?
What is Lazy Keto and Is It Worth Trying?
Next, in line with keto dietary guidelines, NET carbs will account for about 5-10% of your daily calories on the keto diet.
The tricky part is getting a good grip on good keto carbs (foods that are low in carbs) vs. “bad” keto carbs (foods that are higher in carbs). You will quickly realize that this new set of rules is much different than what you’re used to eating on a normal, healthy diet based on the USDA’s food guide pyramid recommendations.
Our suggestion is to eat as many low-carb veggies as possible, which provide needed fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, for a low calorie intake. In addition, some low carb fruits, such as berries can also help you meet daily nutrient needs.
But, you will need to stay away from all sugar, refined grains AND whole grains, starchy fruits and veggies. In addition, you will need to carefully monitor your intake of certain dairy products and nuts, which also have carbs.
Here are some of the best keto-friendly carbs:
Recommended reading:
Keto Diet for Beginners: Your Complete Guide
What is the Keto Flu? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Keto-Friendly Fruits... They Do Exist! (Kind Of)
Finally, moving onto protein, this macronutrient is going to incorporate 20-25% of your daily calories on the keto diet. If you’re a vegan or vegetarian on the keto diet, check out the first link under recommended reading, below. All meat and seafood eaters, read on…
Contrary to the way you probably picked out your proteins before, when it comes to protein choices on keto, the fattier cuts are best. This is because, as discussed, fat is the macronutrient that will make up the biggest portion of your diet on keto.
However, you also want to make sure you get a moderate amount of high-quality protein in order to reach your keto goals (and keto meal replacement shakes such as 310 Shakes are one of the best ways to do this). In fact, with 15g of protein per serving, 310 Shakes offer the ideal amount of this macronutrient for a meal. Surprisingly, it can actually be common to go overboard with protein on keto – so having a meal replacement shake powder with optimal protein that also helps you keep track of your intake is extremely beneficial.
310 Shakes are also very well-balanced for keto… supplying great fiber, vitamins, minerals, and even superfoods, all for a low-carb count. In addition, as discussed in a previous section, you can also add lots of high-fat, nutritious foods into your smoothies to up the total fat content.
However, when you aren’t drinking 310 Shakes that are already perfectly-balanced for you, remember not to lean on protein food sources as your main sources of fat. You still need to get lots of actual fat sources in your diet (like the options we discussed in the fats section above).
That being said, fattier protein sources can still help contribute to your overall fat intake, you just shouldn’t lean on them. So, if you’re having grass-fed steak, don’t be afraid to cook it in grass-fed butter, and also have a keto-friendly veggie with a fat source like olive oil or a cream sauce.
Keeping all of that in mind, here are some healthy proteins we recommend:
In addition, these protein supplements added into drinks or smoothies can also help you keep up with your daily needs for this macronutrient:
Recommended Reading:
How To Ace a Vegan or Vegetarian Keto Diet: Your Complete Guide
Get the Scoop: What is Collagen, Anyway?
Now that you know how to track your macros and pick the right foods to ace a ketogenic diet, let us tell you a little about our nutritionist-recommended path for keto success. First of all, your mind needs to be on track with your goals before your body will follow! The best way to ensure that you have the continued motivation and encouragement you need to succeed is to decide right now not to do it alone…
The 310 Nutrition Keto Community is a place where you can find the support, guidance, and personalized advice you need to start living a healthier lifestyle today. In addition, you’ll also find practical ideas for quick, healthy recipes and decadent meal replacement smoothies. Join Now!
Next, for weight loss, we always recommend a plan of two keto meal replacement shakes per day as meals. Then, have one keto-friendly regular meal and two keto-approved snacks throughout the day. It’s that easy! Plus, the solutions we mentioned on this page, and the 310 Keto Kit can all help you achieve awesome results daily (and we provide additional recipe ideas, below)!
Having a busy schedule no longer has to be an excuse for why you aren’t living your healthiest, most enjoyable life. Begin yours now!
Low Carb Chicken and Cauliflower Rice Bowl
Double Chocolate Keto Shake Recipe
Find more yummy keto smoothie and additional healthy recipes on the 310 Nutrition Blog!